hello i am aries (they/them) and i am writing things!!! :D


q. what are you writing about?
a. all sorts! currently i'm focusing on a series called Flashpoint Archive, which is a retrospective on flash games (and maybe animations at some point) that i loved as a kid. otherwise i'd like to write about non-white art, youtubers and books i enjoy (or alternatively hate), maybe speedrunning at some point??? my blog is my oyster

q. why are you writing on bear?
a. because it's a straightforward and adorable website with a noble goal, and i love tiny digital tools, and i care about writing more than i do about analytics, and because small independent internet needs to be supported, and also i don't want to make a neocities site right now.

q. are you actually an aries?
a. yea -- aries sun, aries rising, sagittarius moon


you can also find me at:
ariesmgacutan.carrd.co (recent publications)
@the.aries.zone (instagram)
@thearieszone (twitter/x)